18K Gold Plated Buddha Pendants | Flooded Buddha Pendants | Ion Plated Gold Buddha Pendants
What are Buddha Pendants?
Buddha Pendants are pendants that are believed to give good energy and fortune to the wearer. These good fortune pendants change depending on the color and the way buddha looks. The buddha pendants we have are the smiling buddha pendants that bring happiness and prosperity to the wearer. The black buddha pendants bring wisdom while the blue buddha pendants bring purity and healing. So wearing our 18K Ion-Plated Gold Black Buddha Pendant should bring you prosperity in wisdom our flooded hand place Cubic Zirconia 18K Gold Plated Blue Buddha should bring you prosperity in healing. If you believe you need some spiritual help then you should try the 18K ion-plated gold buddha pendants.
What is 18K Ion-Plated Gold?
18K Ion Plated Gold means that the gold is plated on the top of the 316L Stainless Steel. That means that while this isn’t a solid 18K Gold necklace it still has some weight to it. This does mean that our Ion Plated gold necklaces or bracelets are hypoallergenic jewelry for nickel allergies. So our 18K Gold Plated jewelry is hypoallergenic for nickel, but it’s also hypoallergenic gold jewelry too. Since our jewelry is high karat that means that it has so few impurities that it shouldn't affect people with gold allergies as well. That’s why we decided to go with the 18K Ion-Plated Gold instead of other jewelry so that anyone can wear the jewelry they want without complications.